Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Matmour: "Today we turn the next thing!"

Mönchengladbach -
In the first leg 2-4 to 2-0. Previously, 1:1, 0:1, 2:4 to 2:0 and 0:0. Borussia bitter failures, bad luck and breakdowns series against Hoffenheim. This is to be concluded Friday. After Hamburg (3-2) and Frankfurt (2-1), the next case for Gladbach series crusher: Mr. Frontzeck, you pick!
We see only the statistics that some plays on us. Hoffenheim is independent of the top teams in the league. But we go there with confidence and count on us for something, "says the foal coach.
Especially it must not motivate his guys. "The first leg when we got three goals in the last five minutes, no one has forgotten us," Karim Matmour reminiscent of the worst season broke. The winger has defeated the only Hopp Borusse the club once before (with Freiburg 3:2). He now wants to repeat the foal to get to the TSG over to climb to eighth. Matmour: "At Nuremberg, we shot the thing that we want to create in Hoffenheim."
Most of all the Algerians would take care of the away win: "I want to shoot as quickly as possible, my next hit. For that I work hard and hope that I will soon be rewarded. "
Moenchengladbach Best scorer with five goals is currently Roel Brouwers. In the second half it worked with the Dutchman still not. "We thought it was time that I meet," grins the defender.
Like Matmour he is eager to conquer the Hoffenheim-curse: "So far we have never been able to beat them. They are footballing very strong, but we know what we can. If we run through our game, for sure something is in there. It is time for our first win. "
 Tobias Levels, who returns after an expired yellow lock back into the team, added: "Hoffenheim is a good team, but they too are vulnerable. You have just as many points as we and this year we have already delivered strong away games with other opponents, because we do not have to hide even from Hoffenheim. "

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cruyff: Van Gaal has Alzheimer's

Munich - friends they have never been: Bayern coach Louis van Gaal (58) and Holland football star Johan Cruyff (as a player runner-up in 1974, three times European Cup winners' Cup with Ajax Amsterdam). Now the many years of escalating hostility of the Dutch football greats.
Reason: Van Gaal takes in his recently published book (in an autobiography), the great Johan Cruyff. The 62-year-old can not offer the back and scolds. Causes of the escalating dispute is the Book Passage, in the van Gaal describes that he had celebrated Christmas with the family in 1989 Cruyff at Barcelona. That forbade students hosted van Gaal at Barcelona coach Johan Cruyff. Van Gaal spent three days at the Cruyff. Then he received a call from Holland, that his sister had died Riet. Van Gaal went back immediately to the Netherlands.
In his book, van Gaal now writes: "Later I heard that Johan Cruyff has taken me so bad and that I had never thanked me." These words bring Cruyff in Rage. "If I had said so little really, I would not as a human being are good. Van Gaal has really Alzheimer's, when he writes that, "railed Cruyff. And after states: "If you hear something like that, but you wonder if some one has a loose wire or cable. Normally I respond to something, but this time limits were exceeded. "

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Up to minus 15 degrees in the Rhineland

Just in the roses were blooming in the front yard and now the ...
An end to the cuddly temperatures. It is icy! Weather mulled wine in the Rhineland. Until Friday, even the famous calm before the storm, but then winter comes really up to speed. Christmas is still white?
On weekends, there is the weather to complete. Then no more mild air coming from the Atlantic to us, but ice-cold wind from the north.
Friday and Saturday's is still uncomfortably wet and cold at about 5 degrees. But the latest from Sunday to the heaters are in full swing: The mercury drops to zero degrees.
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Snow storm - so far 16 deaths!
Monday and Tuesday are finally the first flakes. City dwellers have to reckon with sleet, but "in the UW's will know for sure", say the meteorologists.
The temperature tumble during the week still neatly in the basement: The day is achieved with a little luck yet in the Rhineland, the zero-degree mark. At night, rattled his teeth: It goes down to minus 5 to minus 15 degrees rich. Siberian cold! And now the question of questions: Is the holidays this time the snow? The weather experts can not promise yet, unfortunately.
As the weather in your region - click HERE ...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tokyo Bill successfully operated

The vocal cord operation of the singer of German teen band Tokio Hotel, Bill Kaulitz, is, according to seinesManagers went well. "During the operation, everything went according to plan, andthe doctor is very confident," said the producer and manager DavidJost.
 "Doctor Bill Derbehandelnde is one of the best doctors out there on his territory. Whether the surgery is, however, really have been so successful that Bill's voice sounds exactly like before," one could say, unfortunately, not-yet.
   Because of the vocal fold disease of the 18-year-old singer dieErfolgsband scheduled appearances in Europe and North America had absagenmüssen. "Because of the silent period to be followed and derStimmrehabilitation who have been subjected after the surgery Bill has, we, the U.S. and Canada concerts in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Toronto, Montreal and Boston, canceled," said the first concert in Jost.Voraussichtlich would The U.S. is now on 1 InWashington held in May.
Twin brother Tom has Krankenhausbegleitet Bill in. He has "given to him for communication for the next ten Tageein small chalk-blackboard".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Complete move to Berlin is overdue

Bonn / Berlin - The man would get a hotel room in Bonn is currently determined by Karlheinz Däke, head of the Taxpayers Association has again criticized the two-seat of government, calls for the Komplettumzug to Berlin.
This time in the current "Black Book" in which annual tax wastes werden.Angesichts denounced the "perceived low tide" in the public treasury, the cost Aufteilgung the Behördnen must be stopped, so Däke.
 The reprimand list of association presidents: 66,000 missions per year between Bonn and Berlin, with flight costs in the amount of nine million euros. To this end a postal transfer of 750 tons per year.
Particularly sharp Däke criticized the construction of the Federal Health Ministry (BMG) at the Rochusstraße. This is a "prime example of a failed regional economic policy." "The 28 million-euro BMG's new house has been too small. Despite all the synergies arguments is not enough space for all BMG employees. "Now, would raise the BMG nor an extension.
"With this move into the new building, the BMG wants to save the current rent in Bonn. But whether the federal government a total saving rental costs, is unlikely. "
 For now prefer the old property on Probsthof a part of the Federal Ministry of Finance. And whether that has to pay less than the BMG does not stand fest.Droht Bonn, now the autumn offensive of the parade supporters?
Besides Däke demand lately sometimes even prime minister of Saxony Georg Milbradt (CDU), SPD budget expert Johannes Kahrs, formerly of the Berlin CDU parliamentary candidate Ingo Schmidt or the Green politician Franziska Eichstadt-Bohlig the move all ministries to Berlin.
Where did the five billion euros will come to this event, however, has said it yet. However, the FDP leader Guido Westerwelle and native Bonner precisely: "With this amount could be only by the interest a new Permanent shuttle Bonn / New Zealand and pay back."
Dangerous trend: Since April, there are Ministry employees in Berlin more than in Bonn. In 8816 three more than in the federal capital. And that is clearly in contradiction with the Bonn / Berlin-Gesetz.