Sunday, April 25, 2010

Merkel doll

Berlin - Can you imagine Angela Merkel dressed as Marilyn Monroe? No? Then, we can now your imagination a little helping hand.
Hold under the motto "The Office", was designed by the Berlin publishing house "handout" a paper doll that looks like our Angie.
With two Bastelbögen one can transform the Chancellor anew. Whether in a black evening gown as Audrey Hepburn (left) or as Marilyn Monroe in a summer dress over an underground pit (left): The "Angie Dressbook" has such a lot to offer.
If you want Merkel to hold with only a bathing suit or cut but different fifties clothes themselves.
Last year Merkel made a visit to the opera deep insights. Whether that has inspired the inventor of the "Angie Dressbook"?