Monday, June 7, 2010

Nazi scandal surrounding Pete Doherty

Munich -
What really makes Pete Doherty? If it is quiet around the Babyshambles frontman, is usually makes you look worried - but then he comes with a new scandal around the corner. So also this time ...
Doherty smashed at a gig in Munich fervently Deuschlandliedes the first verse of "Germany, Germany above everything." Riots were in the audience, the gig had to be discontinued later.
Originally, the scandal-rocker to a surprise performance in Munich. The station "Bayern 2" transferred the concert live. The "tz" reports, the audience reacted with boos and catcalls at Doherty's derailment - the concert but was continued at first. Five other songs could bellow the 30-year-old - then it was too sensitive to the organizers.
Doherty was asked from the stage. "Otherwise we would not be able to guarantee the security," cited the "tz" the BR program director for multimedia, Rainer low.
The anthem was by the Nazis (first straws: "Germany, Germany above everything, above everything in the world" abused). After much hesitation, President Theodor Heuss declared on Germany in 1952 the song back to the anthem - but only since 1991 with the third verse of the text and the opening line "Unity and justice and freedom."